Software Update Version DA1-09-04 – VT56 OBDII TPMS Diagnostic Tool
TEQ TPMS Tools is proud to announce the new software update DA1-09-04 for the VT56 OBDII TPMS Diagnostic Tool (P/N TS56-1000 and TS56-1001).
Read more07.10.2015
TEQ TPMS Tools is proud to announce the new software update DA1-09-04 for the VT56 OBDII TPMS Diagnostic Tool (P/N TS56-1000 and TS56-1001).
Read more01.10.2015
The latest software update includes the following information: new car models 2013 and 2015 for OE sensors’ recognition and more programmable sensors’ coverage.
Read more04.03.2015
The latest software update includes the following information: new car models 2014-2015 for OE sensors’ recognition, more programmable sensors’ coverage, new functionalities such as KeyFob Test, Copy-Set of Sensors and Copy-Set from the History
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