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ATEQ TPMS Tools Welcomes Thomas Trefouel, 2018 Summer International Intern

ThomasLivonia, MI – ATEQ is thrilled to welcome and work with Thomas Trefouel this summer as an international intern for ATEQ TPMS Tools and ATEQ Corporation at the ATEQ USA headquarters.

Thomas, originally from France, hopes to gain knowledge of TPMS and leak testing technology, improve his English, and network with individuals for potential future jobs.

“I hope to gain more knowledge about TPMS and leak testing technology, as I believe this will help me in my engineering studies. I also hope to improve my English, network with others in the professional world and perhaps it will help me with my future career,” stated Thomas. “I hope for the opportunity for a career anywhere throughout the world when I am finished with school in three years. I am grateful for ATEQ for giving me this opportunity to learn and grow.”

This fall, Thomas will be entering his second year at the Caen Institute of Civil Engineering and Construction (ESITC Caen), in Normandy France, where he studies construction and civil engineering.

Thomas and Erjon“Thomas is a bright, passionate and hard-working individual. With so much diversity at ATEQ, Thomas will learn a great deal about working with people from different areas of the world, as well as the business and engineering world. We are excited to work with him this summer; he possesses a great potential to be an expert in his chosen field,” stated Davy Leboucher.

Thomas is originally from Normandy, France, and arrived in the United States in early June 2018. He plans to finish his internship in August to finish his studies. In his spare time, he enjoys playing tennis, swimming, and long-distance bike riding. He enjoys watching race cars and is looking forward to watching American racing this summer such as Nascar and the Indy races.

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