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September 2017 Software Update Release Notes, North America


ATEQ is proud to announce the new September software release for the VT36, VT55 and VT56 TPMS tools. The software update includes new OE coverage, improved programmable sensor coverage, new functionalities and corrections.

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June 2017 Software Update Release Notes, North America


ATEQ is proud to announce the new June software release for the VT36, VT55 and VT56 TPMS tools. The software update includes new OE coverage, improved programmable sensor coverage, new functionalities and corrections.

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March 2017 Software Update Version Release Notes, North America


ATEQ is proud to announce the new March updates for the VT36 and VT56. New versions available include VT36 version Hx1-09-01 and VT56 version Dx1-19-01. VT55 is still in beta testing until the first week of April.

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El VT56 de ATEQ, galardonado como mejor herramienta TPMS en los premios “20 Tools Award 2015” de la revista Motor Magazine


ATEQ TPMS Tools, LC. se enorgullece en anunciar que la HERRAMIENTA DE DIAGNÓSTICO TPMS OBDII VT56 es la flamante vencedora del premio “Top 20 Tools Award 2015” de la prestigiosa revista Motor Magazine. Cada año, expertos del sector de la automoción de la revista Motor Magazine evalúan cientos de herramientas para elegir a la vencedora del premio “Top 20 Tools Award”.

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