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Próximos eventos

ATEQ participa en multitud de ferias y eventos que se celebran a lo largo de todo el año para presentar y hacer demostraciones de sus herramientas TPMS y sus soluciones para revisar la presión de los neumáticos. Visítenos y charlaremos acerca de cómo podemos ayudarle a satisfacer sus necesidades empresariales.

The Tire 2021 - Edición aplazada hasta 2022


18-20 de mayo de 2021
NUEVA FECHA: 24-26 de mayo de 2022


Colonia, Alemania

Automechanika Frankfurt 2021


14-18 Septiembre 2021


Frankfurt, Alemania


ATEQ TPMS Tools announces the addition of the itSens sensor by tyremotive to ATEQ tools

ATEQ announced the addition of the new itSens TPMS sensor by tyremotive to ATEQ TPMS tools in Europe, further adding to the aftermarket sensors in the tools

7 June 2021

ATEQ TPMS Tools releases update for WebVT portal

ATEQ announced on Friday an update for the WebVT portal, version 8.16, to all ATEQ TPMS tool users, which includes all-new features and functions.

10 May 2021

2021 Q1 Software Update Release Notes, Europe

ATEQ is proud to announce the latest 2021 software release for the VT36, VT46 (including branded versions) and VT56 which includes new vehicle models, updated OE sensor and relearn information, added coverage for 2020 vehicle models, updated aftermarket sensor coverage.

4 May 2021

ATEQ is hosting a NEW training Webinar for the German Market!

ATEQ is hosting another training webinar for the German market! This training includes a detailed look at the VT56, consisting of step-by-step instructions, a look at the features and functions of the tool, and training on the brand new Update Portal.

19 April 2021

ATEQ continues to Lead the Industry in Future-Proof Technology

Jacques Mouchet, ATEQ founder and president, recently stated that ATEQ is now ready to test HEV/EV/PEV/Fuel Cell EV vehicles, which is a massive leap forward in the automotive industry and further positions the ATEQ Group as a leader in future-proof technology.

1 April 2021

ATEQ TPMS Tools Provides an Update on ‘Live Sensor’ After Successful Launch of Platform

ATEQ TPMS Tools provides an update on the Live Sensor platform after the successful launch of the brand-new technology for ATEQ TPMS tool users.

11 March 2021

ATEQ TPMS Tools launches its first Webinar in Europe

ATEQ TPMS Tools is proud to announce the launch of its very first free, in-depth training sessions with exclusive TPMS cover topics. This first webinar will be held in German by Matthias Fröhlich, ATEQ TPMS Tools' new TPMS Sales Manager for Europe.

16 February 2021

New !

Histórico temporal de nieve Filomena: ¿Por qué es más importante que nunca la presión de los neumáticos?

Las últimas condiciones meteorológicas del invierno, la tormenta Filomena, el frío extremo, el hielo en España y Francia y, por último, la lluvia, son señales de que el invierno ya está en marcha. Conociendo la influencia directa de la temperatura en la presión de los neumáticos,..

26 January 2021

2021 January Software Update Release Notes, Europe

ATEQ is proud to announce the latest January 2021 software release for the VT36, VT46 (including branded versions) and VT56 which includes new vehicle models, updated OE sensor and relearn information, added coverage for 2020 vehicle models, updated aftermarket sensor coverage.

21 January 2021

ATEQ TPMS Tools Announces Global Social Media Platforms

ATEQ TPMS Tools is proud to announce global social media platforms across four networks: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram.

11 January 2021

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